8th June @ Les Folies des Femmes: another stage for Blondy Violet & “ Still Life? ”

/8th June @ Les Folies des Femmes: another stage for Blondy Violet & “ Still Life? ”

8th June @ Les Folies des Femmes: another stage for Blondy Violet & “ Still Life? ”

Blondy Violet will be a guest @ Pin Up & Burlesque Showcase “Les Folies des Femmes” produced by Ferrara Pin Up School e Racy Ros @ Spirito in Ferrara to present  “ STILL LIFE? ”a very innovative photo project to develop more awareness about VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN, unfortunately more often actual and present in our daily life.

STILL LIFE? will be presented during Pin Up & Burlesque Showcasea show night as Ferrara Pin Up School final showcase on 8th of June: the most significative pictures will be projected during a short speech to explain the idea and the meaning of this project.

Also, you could enjoy my fav and master piece act “The true Story of Mary Poppins”

But there’s more to know! The producer, Racy Ros, has created a full day rich of events: a shooting ipin up style for all the women who’d love to have fun with the camera surrounded by the amazing park in the Spirito Restaurant where the show will be held too. After that, you could learn some technique during a special workshop by VANILLE BON BON,  special guest and producer of  “Amazing Flamingo” Cabaret & Burlesque Torino Festival,!

Then you’ll eat a tasteful dinner and….ready for the show???? 

It’s a big honor to explain the concept behind  “STILL LIFE?” to create more awareness about this important theme about feminicides and violence against women. You could also meet some volunteer from “LA SCARPETTA ROSSA”,non profit organization who help women (and their children) in danger because of abuses and domestic violence; and if you want you could do your donation.

The full concept is by Blondy Violet taking inspiration from both some red-shoes pictures to remember killed women on 25thNovember  (International Day Against Violence on woman!) and some true stories told by some other burlesque perfomers.

Pictures are very strong and hit the heart: a still body laid on the floor, covered with white fabric to make the body shapeless, nullified…and the only one COLOR is the RED from her shoes!It’s the icon of pain, violence, blood but at the same time it’s the color of passion and “REAL” love…but often this is not the condition unfortunately.

Infact the title “STILLlife?”is very meaningful: is this woman still alive? Or…how could her life be now…after being beaten? And “STILL LIFE” is the photographic technique to portray “still” subjects…or better saying OBJECTS!

Fabrizio Fontanelli, the photographer, has been great in transforming the concept in these wonderful and severe images…reaching the result I had in my mind! Since then we’ve started a very productive artistic cooperation which we’ll keep alive and positive as much as possible, thanks to your support too!

And…last but not least, the greatest news and the biggest satisfaction is the recent partnership with the National no-profit association  “LA SCARPETTA ROSSA”, that helps and saves hundreds women a year from abuses and violence. We are all honored for this amazing result, to give an effective support to thousands of volunteers who make big efforts to support victims everyday. To donate go to https://scarpettarossa.it/sostienici/


Joyful times and solidarity can walk together to create positive synergies!

So don’t miss this chance on 8th JUNE to have fun and doing something good


Don’t forget to follow Facebook event Pin Up & Burlesque Showcase “Les Folies des Femmes” for more details….and….

Don’t forget to LIKE & SHARE Facebook pages Blondy Violet, Racy Ros, Ferrara Pin Up School


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